Coding doesn’t have to be scary!
Get started today
with Scratch!
Zero to Hero
Don’t worry if you have no experience – we’re here to guide you along your learning journey starting from step 1!
Full Learning Path Support
We don’t leave you guessing. We aren’t just an intro. We’ll guide you from start to mastery! No guessing what to do next!
For You & Your Students
Our materials are designed to help you understand using Scratch, and using Scratch to teach – with great projects you can use in-classroom too!
We have multiple books developed to help you learn Scratch coding at every level, to provide you with great in-class lessons, troubleshoot, understand the theory, and be handy references.
Online Courses
Looking for something more lively? We’ve got the world’s best online course for learning Scratch and learning to teach with Scratch. Get started on your learning journey with us guiding you step-by-step through the process!
Our Philosophy
Learn more about our thoughts and principles behind coding education are and why and how we build our supports.